Housing Strategy
North Devon Council has an overarching Corporate Plan which sets out the Council’s vision and corporate priorities. The Council’s corporate housing objective states “We will strategically plan and deliver housing provision to try to meet local needs. We will tackle the widening imbalance between supply and demand and increase the availability of decent, affordable and accessible accommodation for residents in need”.
Having listened to our partners, stakeholders, groups and users we are pleased to introduce North Devon Council’s draft Housing Strategy, which has been heavily influenced by the Devon Housing Commission Report July 2024 (www.devonhousinghub.org.uk) chaired by leading housing expert, Lord Richard Best, with input from councils across Devon.
The draft strategy will help the Council to deliver its objectives for housing over the next five years, but with an acceptance that this strategy needs to be agile so it can respond to change and opportunities that may present themselves over the lifetime of the document. It sets out how we will bring our vision to life.
It has been drafted on the foundation of three themes:
- Prevent Homelessness: Preventing homelessness by supporting our citizens to stay in their current home if they have one, but if this isn’t possible/or they are already homeless seek to help them find alternative solutions.
- Provide New Housing Supply: Supply new housing to meet social demand, delivering affordable and sustainable healthy homes wherever possible.
- Make Homes Healthy: Improving the quality of existing homes making them safe and healthy.
North Devon Council is seeking the views of local stakeholders and residents on the draft strategy. Please refer to the draft Housing Strategy attached and watch the video by Councillor Bell, Lead Member for Housing, before you complete the survey.
The survey should take about 10 minutes or less to complete with questions related to the draft strategy and a few “about you”.
The consultation will start on Monday 10 February 2025 and close at the end of Monday 31 March 2025.
The results will be published on the North Devon Council’s website and presented to the Strategy and Resources Committee on 12 May 2025.
Alternative formats
If you need this consultation survey as a paper version, or large print, you can request this by emailing the Corporate and Community Services Team at consultation@northdevon.gov.uk or by calling 01271 388253. Paper copies are available from Lynton House, Commercial Road, Barnstaple (open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9 am until 1 pm), Ilfracombe Community Office, High Street, Ilfracombe (Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9 am until 5pm - closed 1pm to 2pm), and Amory Centre, South Molton (Thursday 9am until 5pm - closed 1pm to 2pm).